When I rate my books, I try to be as consistent as I can be, though sometimes it can be tricky as I am a mood reader. That’s why for some of my favorite books, I will do a re-read or if they release an audio, it will be an opportunity for me to review my last rating. There are some aspects that will affect my rating so it won’t be the same across the board, such as:

  • If they are an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy, where we are provided a free copy of a book in exchange for an honest review), I generally will be more generous with my rating, as I don’t want it to affect their launch. Most ARC that I got is from BookSprout where they are mostly independent new author who doesn’t have huge followers. Reviews are very important to them, so I avoid giving a bad review, in the case that the book is so bad or offends me in any way, I will withdraw my promise to review and explain to them why. I have done this in the past and so far they understand. Also, BookSprout allows me to leave a private review to the author, so for a more in-depth critique, I send it to them privately. 
  • My main site for reviews is GoodReads, so I use it as my guideline, since they don’t allow 0 stars, 1 star is equal to 0 for me. And so far, I have never given any book 1 star yet, and I hope to keep it that way. I would hate to waste my time on a truly bad book. 
  • I have a high tolerance for stupidity, dark and triggering stuff, sexually explicit content, and not too many stuff will offend me. Even if a storyline is bonkers and over the top, I will just look at the bright side and let it slide. I will still call it out and rant about it, but if I still enjoy the rest of the book, I’ll still rate them at least 3 stars. 
  • If they are a novella (200 pages or less), I will rate them generously too, as they don’t have enough length to develop a full story, so I usually rate them with one eye closed if you know what I mean. Unless they are like super BAD, then I will go to town with my rant. 
  • Expectation. Nowadays, with social media hype, it often raises my expectations to the roof, so it’s a double sword edge effect for me. When I have high expectations, I tend to be harsher with my critiques and vice versa, if I don’t have any or low expectations, the rating will be better than the one that was overhyped. 

But generally 3 stars and above means I enjoyed reading them. Also, I am a “SUPER” curious person by nature, so I hardly ever DNF’d a book, no matter how bad they are, the worst is probably skipping some so I can see the ending. And since I’m a sick individual, I sometimes read the last chapter or epilogues first (I know, I’m a monster, don’t judge me). 

⭐️ 1 Star

This means the book is really bad, I do not rate DNF, I simply pretend I never read it, as rating them by doing so seems unfair to the author. What I mean by bad is they are written badly, with lots of typos and grammatical errors. Or if it has an illogical and inconsistent storyline that is unacceptable. 

⭐️⭐️ 2 Stars

This means I have a lot of issues with either the storyline, character or the writing style. Generally, it will be if the book contains distasteful cheating (cheating is only acceptable if the partner is an asshole), unredeemable character flaws, or illogical storyline. 

⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3 Stars

This means it’s just a perfectly acceptable read, they have some issues, but I can overlook them. I will still list all the things I don’t like about said book, which probably will be quite a few, but I still enjoy reading them for the most part. 

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️  4 Stars

This means I thoroughly enjoy the book, there’s probably a minor thing that bothers me, but nothing to distract my enjoyment while I’m reading the book. However, it’s not memorable that I will think about it for days and want to do a re-read. 

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5 Stars

This means I love the book so much and I almost cannot find anything wrong with it. There may be some crying or giggling involved, and I will be thinking about it obsessively for at least a week. A re-read is possible in the future, but not guaranteed. 

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️♾️ Infinity Stars

This means this book made me cry, bawling, sobbing on the floor, made my heart swoon, got me excited, and do a happy dance, and will live in my head rent-free for an undetermined amount of time. Re-read is guaranteed!


I only read book with smut, so I never read YA books. But it doesn't mean I like to read full on p*rn without plot, just the right amount of smut is what I liked. So the ideal rating is 3 chilli peppers, more than that usually affect my judgement of the actual story line. 


I'm a cryer, so reading an emotional book really took a toll on me. But I still like to read them every now and then. There's just something about heart breaking story that made you appreciate life more. Anyway, this will be how I rate the emotional level on the book.

So, how do you rate your book? Do you enjoy writing reviews?


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