Welcome to my Monthly Reading Wrap-Up!

This was a good month of reading for me, I managed to read 45 books in total. It sounds like a lot, but I typically read fast, at least 1 book a day, and I picked up a lot of novellas in between. Most of the ARCs are quick reads too. With audiobook, I listen to them while I'm working during the day, or when I'm doing chores at home. And I didn't have that much social agenda this month, so I spent almost all of my spare time reading. 

I applied for a lot of ARCs in Booksprout and Instagram, and I'm so happy to discover a few of great new to me authors. Because let's be honest, After reviewing almost 50 books on the site, most of them are not really a memorable reads. So finding a really good one that left an impression on me is rare. And I love supporting Indie author and I always try to help them promote their book as much as I can.

I'm having a hard time choosing my favorite read of the month, there were so many that I liked and left a lasting impression. But if I really had to choose, it would be KING by S.J. Tilly. This was actually a re-read for me. I have read this book twice before, and I was obsessed with King, he was my favorite guy from this series. So I picked up the audio and it was so good! The male narrator, Jack Calihan did such a good job with King's voice, it made him sound so sexy and I loved it. It feels like reading the book for the first time all over again. A good narrator made such a difference, in contrast to the Kings of Italy series by Mila Finelli. The male narrator is the same across all books, and he sounds like an old Italian grandpa, completely ruining my fantasy of Fausto. But by the time I listened to Mafia Madman, I got used to the accent, so I guess it was fine, but could be better. 

So that's a wrap for November 2023, and see you next month!



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