Why SpoilersLovers?

Why Spoilers Lovers?

As you can see from my blog name, I love spoilers. So for those who don’t like spoilers or often be offended by people who spoil their books or movies, this blog is definitely not for you. I sure as hell don’t want to be put on anyone’s hit list for this, just like it sometimes happened to me in real life. I do not mind spoilers at all, in fact, I usually will find as much information as I can, downright to the detailed storyline before I read a book, and it won’t bother me at all. I am one of those people who will google the synopsis of a movie, WHILE I’m watching the movie at the cinema (don’t worry, I always sit all the way at the back with my phone light at the lowest, I’m not that kind of an asshole, LOL). And I know I’m not the only one, as one of my best friends will be doing the same, and often share the spoilers together. 

I know spoilers are kind of a big deal for a lot of people, so I am usually very careful when I write my review in GoodReads, I always make sure to censor the part that I consider a spoiler. With my weird habit, I find it hard to find a good spoiler review for books that I like to read, as most of them are always spoiler-free! So I thought maybe I could make content for people who are more like me, where I can write book reviews with spoilers and I can discuss in-depth what I like or don’t like about the book. So you can expect a full in-depth review of a book that contains spoilers in my blog, ENJOY!


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